January 22, 2015 marked our one year anniversary of
officially becoming parents to our not so little man. In the adoption
community, it is termed “Gotcha Day” or “Family Day”. For us, it wasn’t the
start of our adoption journey, as I have well documented here before, but it is
still an important part of our journey non the less. When we started this whole
process, we set out to adopt a healthy African infant. Within six months, we
held a squirming blonde haired, blue-eyed toddler instead. We really scratched
our heads at the turn of events, but looking back, it was a great gift from God, who is changing us everyday (for the better) through this little boy. Our
lives, and the lives of everyone who has been around him for any amount of time
has been immensely enriched. Our friends and family no longer come over to hang
out with us, they come to be around him! He is such a joy and we are honored to
be his parents.
So, how can I describe what little man (and hence us) is up to these days....
So, how can I describe what little man (and hence us) is up to these days....
For starters, his personality is really starting to emerge. He
loves being silly and I think he will end up being the class clown down the
road. He loves to dress up, and when he is at home (and occasionally at the grocery store) he is almost always in costume. From ninja turtles, to batman, Columbus Blue jackets, or Ohio State Football player, he is always dressing up to play the part. And as you can guess, we are often asked to join in as well.
He is athletic, loves every sport and is good at nearly every sport he
tries. We have played soccer, T-ball, swimming, tumbling, and basketball (so far). He has a very competitive spirit, and is only a slightly poor loser. He is SO active! He practically runs everywhere he goes. 

He is smart; learning to write, sound out letters, he can count to a 100 (with
a little help from time to time), and he loves to read books.

He also wanted to eat a restaurant and go to Cosi (our local science center), and that’s exactly what we did.

We had a wonderful day(s) celebrating our little man and our family. On the (other) adoption forefront, Chinese New year is approaching in February, so I am not expecting any referral until at least March. After that, who knows...maybe an April referral with a late summer travel? Fingers crossed. Little man is beyond excited to be a big brother, and he predicts a little pink in this blue dominated house....we shall see...
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